Website for Java Simon?

13/01/2009 23:46

I'm trying to create something representative for Java Simon API library - but there is always some limitation if you don't wanna use your own machine or some raw hosting. I'm just a fresh user of Webnode and it seems to be nice, but I can't upload plain HTML files here which means I can't host Javadocs for our project here. I can't host it on Google Code either (unless I want to have them in SVN, which I don't). One thing is sure. When we have "Donate" button on our project page and this button gets actually used we might think about some real hosting that will probably not obsolete Google Group and Google Code but it will work as a proper presentation for Java Simon with Javadoc - and who knows what else too.

For now... consider this site as non-official. I don't even link to it now. ;-) But if anyone who knows what Java Simon is get here, please, leave us a comment. Just for the fun.
