
Version 2 beta is out!

24/03/2009 09:45

It took us some time due to our real lives, but we managed to wrap up features we would like to see in version 2 and we've released beta yesterday! Check our project page for download and javadocs. Now it's your turn to tell us what should be adjusted for the final version - otherwise we will just update our documentation and release it - probably within a month. Version 2 features JMX support (based on JMX 1.4 so JDK 6 is required), Spring support and many core enhancements like Callbacks that allows you to hook on various Simon/Manager events with your own code.

JMX and Callbacks on the way

13/02/2009 16:12

There is a lot of work going on the project right now and I've summed it up in the mail on our google-group. We're working on JMX and also on the way how you can hook onto various events in the API via Callbacks. We also realize there is a lot of work to do in the area of charting, data analysis, ... something that Perf4J is doing well and it is gaining some respect there. We want to wrap up this iteration (in less than two months probably) and than focus more on the data processing and charting. That doesn't mean we're now merely catching up on Perf4J! We still have something to offer - JDBC proxy driver is one of such tools, for instance. We should get to the beta state soon and we'll soon need some feedback from you - our users.

Java Simon on Ohloh

30/01/2009 16:58

I don't undestand what Ohloh stands for but that doesn't matter really. :-) Ohloh somehow found our project by itself and after some time of ignorance we've decided to take over and updated and cleanup the information there. So this is our project page on Ohloh! If you use Java Simon, don't be shy and click on the I Use This icon. If you have something to say about it, just write the review or whatever. ;-)

Why to use v2-alpha instead of v1?

28/01/2009 14:57

While the last officially released version of the Java Simon is version 2 we strongly recommend you to use version 2 even in its early alpha stage. Version 1 is not supported anymore and especially its Stopwatch behaviour changed significantly. Read more here. Most recent supported version can be found on the right side of our project page in the box titled Featured Downloads.

Working on version 2

08/01/2009 00:00

Based on the users' input we decided to refine few things in the interface which breaks the compatibility with the first version but brings better Java Simon to you - which is probably more important concern (while the adoption is not that massive ;-)).

We started development of the next iteration that will have version number 2.0. Aside from aforementioned changes there will be JMX support added and perhaps also some declarative configuration options.

Stay tuned - checkout from out trunk, tell us what you think! We should be out with release2 around March/April 2009.

Google Group created

19/12/2008 00:00

Thanks for initial interest - there was a great idea to settle some mailing list - so we've just created Google Group for Java Simon:

It should be our primary discussion site, so go ahead and ask there.

Version 1 has been released

15/12/2008 00:00

Finally - after more than four months - we wrapped up our first release of the Java Simon API with the following features:

  • Simon core, monitors, stopwatch, counter, SimonManager;
  • JDBC proxy driver and DataSource implementation (v3).

You definitely should download and check it out. :-)

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